
Guns flood the nation’s capital. Maryland, D.C. attorneys general point at top sellers.
September 4, 2024

Guns flood the nation’s capital. Maryland, D.C. attorneys general point at top sellers.

The lawsuit announced on Tuesday claims three stores sold one person 34 guns over six months and ignored the buyer's red flags.Gun trafficking: How guns travel

Florida leads country in mass shootings after gunfire injures several. What to know
May 12, 2024

Florida leads country in mass shootings after gunfire injures several. What to know

Daytona Beach teen charged in shooting that injured Tank DellTank Dell, a rising NFL star and wide receiver for the Houston Texans, was injured in a shooting at

Gun shops that sell the most guns used in crime revealed in new list
February 15, 2024

Gun shops that sell the most guns used in crime revealed in new list

Who sells the most guns used in crimes? List of gun shops revealed.The federal government is increasing scrutiny of gun stores that sell the most firearms used