‘Nick Kyrgios gives interesting observations which are unique’, says top analyst

‘Nick Kyrgios gives interesting observations which are unique’, says top analyst

June 27, 2024

It has been two very difficult years for Nick Kyrgios, that talented but controversial player who has struggled with injuries that have not allowed him to compete again from Stuttgart last year. After overcoming the ailment in the knee, the wrist was about to remove it, but the native of Canberra did not rest until he found, first health and peace in his daily life, a solution to repair the damage in the aforementioned joint and then think about returning to tennis.

Nick Kyrgios © Getty Images Sport – Daniel Pockett


Nicholas reached a point where he could not even open a jar or a door without feeling a strong pain, so it became vital to heal through any solution, which he sought around the world in different treatments.

Nick Kyrgios has been struggling a lot lately

Australian ace Nick Kyrgios went to Dr. Michael Sandow to see the light at the end of the tunnel. “I was totally prevented when he first came to me.

He was clear that he was going to retire from professional tennis and was looking to relieve the pain in his normal life,” the surgeon told the media “The Canberra Times”. The pain was strong, uncontrollable, an arthritis with barely 30 years that did not allow him to live a daily life without problems.

Nick Kyrgios
Nick Kyrgios© Getty Images Sport – Graham Denholm


After a new MRI, the total rupture of the scapula ligament was confirmed. ” When I first spoke to Nick, he was very depressed. He was close to suffering a complete collapse in his wrist,” revealed Sandow, who practiced a novel technique to repair the damage, ANAFAB, in which the ligament is reconstructed through anatomical reconstruction.

Everything was done in extreme secrecy, the ocean player did not want to reveal any details to the world during their process, which has been totally successful, and that was followed by immobilization with a splint for several months and then with special strengthening with exercises aimed at professional musicians.

In a long interview with Metro.co.uk, Andrew Castle talked about Kyrgios: “I know there’s controversy around it. But the point is this: He’s very good at commentary. He gives interesting observations which are unique in many ways. I’m looking forward to it.”