Daryl Porter: OJ Frederique is going to be a really good player for us

Daryl Porter: OJ Frederique is going to be a really good player for us

September 18, 2024

Daryl Porter continues to have quiet games, which is exactly what you want from your top cover corner. He met with the media to discuss the USF game:

On OJ Frederique: He’s been hanging around me a little bit more. He’ll watch the film, come in and ask me more questions. I feel like he’s playing faster now. He’s understanding the defense even more. He’s going to be a really good player for us.

Knowing the down and distance, formations, what can you get out of certain formations if they’re tight splits, the strengths for the quarterback, where the running back is lined up – those things tell you a lot. He’s understanding it a little more, which is making him play faster. I feel like he’s going to do very well this week.

On Byrum Brown’s dual-threat ability: He can do both. We have to make sure we keep our eyes on our man. If he breaks the pocket, make sure we stay on our dudes wherever they go.

On USF: The fast-paced tempo, we just have to get lined up and make sure we know communication-wise what we’re doing when they go line up in certain formations.