Here’s the forecast for the 2024 solar eclipse: Cloudy with a chance of disappointment

Here’s the forecast for the 2024 solar eclipse: Cloudy with a chance of disappointment

April 7, 2024

Updated weather forecasts for the 2024 solar eclipse on Monday are showing good news and bad news.

The good news: In the Big Apple, conditions will likely be better than expected, and New Yorkers will have a good shot of seeing a partial the eclipse.

The bad news: For Texas and parts of the Great Lakes in the path of totality, there’s a risk of missing out entirely because of increasing cloud cover, Fox Weather meteorologist Dax Clark told The Post.

That means hundreds of thousands of eclipse tourists may have paid big bucks to look at overcast skies.

A map showing great places to take in the eclipse. Accuweather

The highly anticipated eclipse — during which the moon will pass in front of the sun and block it out — will travel from south central Texas through the Ohio Valley and into New England before journeying through northeast Canada.

The event will cast a seconds- to minutes-long dark shadow on some 32 million Americans.

Specialized eclipse glasses are a must-have for viewing regardless of where you take in the spectacle.

New York City is shaping up to be a great place to take in Monday’s solar eclipse, according to current forecasts. Getty Images

Here’s what the weather forecast looks like going into Monday in several major cities along the path of totality.

New York City: ‘Pretty good shape’

While earlier forecasts predicted heavy cloud coverage and lousy weather for the Big Apple on Monday, New Yorkers will be in “pretty good shape” to feast their eyes on the historic solar eclipse.

Everything to know about the 2024 solar eclipse

  • The solar eclipse will take place Monday, April 8, blocking the sun for over 180 million people in its path.
  • The eclipse will expand from Mexico’s Pacific Coast across North America, hitting 15 US states and pulling itself all the way to the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.
  • New Yorkers will experience the solar eclipse just after 2 p.m. Monday.
  • A huge explosion on the sun, known as a coronal mass ejection, is anticipated, according to experts. This happens when massive particles from the sun are hurled out into space, explains Ryan French of the National Solar Observatory in Boulder, Colorado.
  • To avoid serious injury to the eyes, it is necessary to view the event through proper eyewear like eclipse glasses, or a handheld solar viewer, during the partial eclipse phase before and after totality.
  • The next total solar eclipse will take place on Aug. 12, 2026, and totality will be visible to those in Greenland, Iceland, Spain, Russia and a small slice of Portugal. 

“There’s going to be some high clouds probably later on in the day but it’s still going to be warm, temperatures in the mid-60s, and plenty of breaks in those clouds to be able to view — with glasses — the eclipse,” Clark told The Post on Monday. 

Though New York City lies outside the eclipse’s path of totality, about 91% of the event will be visible from the city around 3:25 p.m.

“Cloud coverage could be around 50%, but again, that’s going to be those high clouds. So we should be in pretty good shape here,” Clark added.

Austin: Tough luck

Austin will likely be cloudy come Monday as the eclipse passes through Texas’ capital city. AP

It’ll be tough luck for Texans on Monday, as forecasts show clouds will likely cover the skies during the eclipse before severe storms sweep into the region later in the day.

“They are not in the best area,” Clark said.

Forecasts showed Sunday that the region will be nearly entirely covered by clouds when the eclipse is expected to roll through the area, where it will be seen in totality from 1:40 p.m. CDT through 1:44 p.m.

“They’re looking at about 90% cloud coverage. There’s going to be a chance of thunderstorms and showers as well during the time of the eclipse.”

Buffalo: Questionable visibility

It will likely be overcast on Monday as the eclipse moves through Buffalo. Getty Images

Things were looking a little clearer for Buffalo as tourists flocked to some of upstate New York’s major cities ahead of the once-in-a-lifetime occurrence — though clouds casting a haze over the big event seemed likely by Monday morning.

“They’re another one that’s going to be questionable. Right now it looks fairly overcast,” Clark said.

While temperatures will be a crisp 60 degrees, there will likely be about 80% cloud coverage when the eclipse moves into the region.

“It’s going to be mostly cloudy but it looks like there will be some breaks in the clouds,” Clark said. 

If the clouds disperse, the eclipse will be able to be seen in totality starting at 3:18 p.m.

Cincinnati, Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio: Clearing clouds

Things are going to be cloudy and sunny in Cincinnati and Columbus, where temperatures will be in the 60s before the skies start to clear.

“I think it’ll be better, there will be breaks in the clouds because they will be on the way out,” Clark said. “It’s not going to be ideal, but I don’t think it’s going to be completely a wash for anyone in Ohio.”

Moving north, toward Toledo, conditions will be even better to take in the solar spectacle.

“They will have really good viewing. They’ll have partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies.”

Even though it’s on Lake Erie, where clouds will likely converge, Cleveland is in a similar situation, as the forecast shows skies will likely clear up by the time the eclipse moves through the region.

Dallas: Storms and cloud cover

People have been traveling across the nation to be within the eclipse’s path of totality. ALEX HICKS JR./USA TODAY / USA TODAY NETWORK

The forecast in Dallas was looking more clear Monday, though the risk of severe storms after the eclipse has grown significantly — but there’s still a chance residents will be able to see the eclipse during the day.

“There’s a risk of severe weather down there tomorrow, but it will come after the eclipse,” Clark said. “It looks like for them it will hold off until after four o’clock.” 

Temperatures should be around 75 degrees Fahrenheit with 60% cloud coverage, though there will be breaks in that coverage, Clark noted.

“The storms should hold off until after 4 and 5 o’clock,” he said, adding that the clouds will likely increase during the eclipse due to the impending storm.

Erie, PA: Looking cloudy

Things were looking partly cloudy over Erie Monday morning, where there will likely be about 50% cloud coverage when the eclipse passes over the region just after 2 p.m. 

Temperatures will likely stay in the low 60s as the eclipse moves through Central Pennsylvania. 

Indianapolis: ‘One of the best cities in the country’

There will be only partly cloudy skies in the path of totality as the eclipse moves through the Crossroads of America around 3:06 p.m.

“Indy looks great. They’re going to be probably one of the best cities in the country in terms of viewing,” Clark said.

Temperatures will likely be around 70 degrees Fahrenheit and partly cloudy.

Louisville: Showers, then clearing

Similar to Indianapolis, conditions will be optimal for viewing the eclipse in Louisville.

The forecast for Monday shows a high of 74 degrees Fahrenheit with a small chance of showers in the early morning.

Cloud coverage during the time of the eclipse will likely only be about 30%, Clark said. 

Those showers will likely wash away any cloud coverage before the eclipse moves through the region around 3:07 p.m.

Rochester, Niagara Falls: 80% cloud cover

Like its fellow western New York metropolis, Rochester could be looking for a better area within the eclipse’s path of totality.

“For totality, it looks about 80 percent cloud coverage,” Clark said.

“I will say it has been looking better for upstate New York and areas along the Great Lakes,” he added, “But it doesn’t look great.”

The weather just west of Rochester in Niagara Falls will also be cloudy moving into Monday afternoon. 

“It’s not going to be great, but hopefully we get lucky and it’s not that bad, cloud coverage-wise,” Clark said. 

There may be some breaks in the clouds, but cloud coverage will only increase as the day progresses. 

San Antonio: ‘It doesn’t look very good’

Much like other parts of Texas, skies will likely be too cloudy in San Antonio for residents to fully experience the solar eclipse.

The forecast shows a 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms and rain showers — “and about 90% cloud coverage.

“They’ll have overcast skies. It doesn’t look very good,” Clark said.