Biden honours Michelle Yeoh with Medal of Freedom, the top US civilian award

Biden honours Michelle Yeoh with Medal of Freedom, the top US civilian award

May 3, 2024

Also included in the honours list are several one-time presidential candidates, former senator Elizabeth Dole, former vice president Al Gore, one-time secretary of state John Kerry and previous New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

“After winning the popular vote, he accepted the outcome of a disputed presidential election for the sake of unity and trust in our institutions,” Biden said of Gore’s concession to George W Bush in the 2000 election, a jab at ex-president Donald Trump, who has never conceded his 2020 loss to Biden.

“That to me was amazing what you did, Al. I won’t go into that.” The remark drew some laughter.

“In my view, the last two guys should be standing here at this podium,” Biden said of Gore and Kerry.

Bloomberg, a billionaire businessman who strayed from the Republican Party he once called home, may become an important financial backer of the president’s 2024 reelection campaign.

Biden also honoured Father Greg Boyle, a Catholic priest who founded the gang intervention programme Homeboy Industries; Opal Lee, an activist who pushed for Juneteenth to be a holiday marking the end of slavery in the United States; Senator Frank Lautenberg, a consumer safety advocate; astrophysicist Jane Rigby; United Farm Workers president Teresa Romero; LGBT advocate Judy Shepard; and Clarence B Jones, who helped draft Dr Martin Luther King, Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech.