Super Tuesday 2024: Delegates Tracker shows Joe Biden 1,312, Donald Trump 936

Super Tuesday 2024: Delegates Tracker shows Joe Biden 1,312, Donald Trump 936

March 5, 2024

Super Tuesday 2024: The crucial day of the 2024 primary calendar has arrived, with 16 states and one US territory voting in the battle known as Super Tuesday.

Super Tuesday 2024: The contest is a significant moment for Trump and Biden, who are the leading contenders for the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations, respectively. While a lot is at stake for Nikki Haley, the top GOP rival for Trump.

Super Tuesday 2024: Super Tuesday is a grand day in the United States when presidential campaigns generally begin as both Republicans and Democrats will hold nominating contests in 15 states and one territory. Incumbent President Joe Biden remains the Democratic front-runner, with no credible rivals. Former President Donald Trump is the front-runner for the GOP nomination, but former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is still his top primary challenger.…Read More

Trump took an early lead for the Republicans, winning in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina, among other states. Most of his main challengers, including biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, have dropped out of the race.

The presidential primaries are much more than just who wins which state. Convention delegates eventually decide who gets their party’s nomination for the 2024 presidential race. Delegates are chosen using a combination of state election results and party rules.

State Democratic Delegates Joe Biden Republican Delegates Donald Trump
Alabama 52 38 50 29
Alaska -NA NA 29 29
American Samoa 6 2 9 NA
Arkansas 31 23 40 27
California 424 332 169 169
Colorado 72 54 37 37
Iowa 40 40 NA NA
Maine 24 18 20 20
Massachusetts 92 70 40 40
Minnesota 75 56 39 16
North Carolina 116 83 74 32
Oklahoma 36 27 43 28
Tennessee 63 46 48 16
Texas 244 182 161 99
Utah 30 21 40 Result Awaited
Vermont 16 16 17 0
Virginia 99 80 48 39

Primaries Election 2024 Delegates Tracker:

Candidate Delegates Won Delegates Needed
Joe Biden 1,312 1968
Donald Trump 936 1215
Nikki Haley 85 1215

Follow all the updates here:

Mar 6, 2024 10:34 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: It’s midnight and Alaska polls are yet to close

29 delegates are at stake in Alaska.

Mar 6, 2024 10:19 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Rep. Adam Schiff gains momentum, poised to secure US Senate lead

Mar 6, 2024 10:05 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Colin Allred wins Texas Democratic Senate

CNN reveals that US Rep. Colin Allred wins the Texas Democratic Senate.

Mar 6, 2024 9:54 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Gavin Newsom asks Phillips to ‘drop out’ from the GOP race

California Governor Gavin Newsom urged Rep. Dean Phillips to withdraw from the presidential contest. This appeal came after Phillips, a candidate with slim chances, shared a self-deprecating remark on social media.

Phillips stated, “Congratulations to Joe Biden, Uncommitted, Marianne Williamson, and Nikki Haley for demonstrating more appeal to Democratic Party loyalists than me,” acknowledging his failure to win over any delegates thus far.

Governor Newsom echoed Phillips’ sentiment in a social media repost, advocating for unity behind Biden. Newsom’s message was clear: “Appreciate the self awareness,” he commented. “Tonight’s the night you should drop out and support our nominee, @JoeBiden.”

Mar 6, 2024 9:37 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins California Republican primary

AP reveals that Donald Trump won the California Republican Primary with 169 delegates in pocket.

Mar 6, 2024 9:36 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: AP calls California for Biden

Joe Biden wins California Democratic primary according to AP and CNN projections.

Mar 6, 2024 9:24 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Haley wins Vermont Republican primary

AP and NBC News project that Nikki Haley has won the Vermont Republican primary, defeating Donald Trump.

Mar 6, 2024 8:52 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump’s ‘revenge’ agenda threatens ‘fundamental freedoms’, Biden says

In a statement released after securing victories in multiple primaries, US President Joe Biden posed a rhetorical question to the electorate: “Are we going to keep moving forward or will we allow Donald Trump to drag us backwards into the chaos, division, and darkness that defined his term in office?”

Biden criticized Trump’s motivations, stating that he is driven by “grievance” and is “focused on his own revenge.” He further accused Trump of having a destructive agenda, saying, “He is determined to destroy our democracy, rip away fundamental freedoms like the ability for women to make their own health care decisions, and pass another round of billions of dollars in tax cuts for the wealthy — and he’ll do or say anything to put himself in power.”

Mar 6, 2024 8:48 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: ‘Uncommitted’ voters challenge Biden in Minnesota

In the Minnesota Democratic primary, with roughly 20% of the anticipated votes tallied, the “uncommitted” option is poised to match or surpass its performance from Michigan’s previous week. This voting choice serves as a demonstration against President Biden’s management of the conflict in Gaza.

A campaign promoting the “uncommitted” vote among Minnesota Democrats was initiated a mere eight days prior and has operated on a modest budget of $20,000, as reported by the campaign’s coordinators.

Mar 6, 2024 8:42 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden loses US Territory American Samoa to Jason Palmer

President Joe Biden did not secure a victory in the Democratic primary for American Samoa. Instead, Jason Palmer, a lesser know democrat and an investor from Maryland clinched the seat.

Mar 6, 2024 8:39 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump leads in Vermont

In the Vermont Republican primary, Donald Trump has secured a lead with 48.3% of the votes, closely followed by Nikki Haley. With 70% of the ballots tallied, the race remains tight.

Mar 6, 2024 8:37 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Utah Democratic primary

AP and NBC News project that Joe Biden won the Utah Democratic GOP primary

Mar 6, 2024 8:13 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Minnesota called for Biden

Joe Biden has won the Minnesota Democratic presidential primary, according to AP projections. He beats Rep. Dean Phillips in his home state.

Mar 6, 2024 8:06 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins the Minnesota Republican primary

AP claims Donald Trump wins the Minnesota Republican primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:50 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins Colorado Republican primary

AP and NBC News projections suggest Donald Trump won the Colorado Republican GOP primary with 37 delegates.

Mar 6, 2024 7:38 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Colorado called for Biden

AP projects that Joe Biden wins the Colorado Democratic primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:37 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Texas Democratic GOP primary

AP and NBC News projection claims Joe Biden won the Texas Democratic primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:32 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Finally! Texas called for Trump

NBC News shows that Donald Trump won the Texas Republican primary

Mar 6, 2024 7:31 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins Massachusetts Republican primary

AP reveals that Donald Trump won the Massachusetts Republican primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:23 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Maine called for Trump

AP and NBC News reveal that Donald Trump won the Maine Republican primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:22 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins Alabama Republican primary

AP reveals that Trump won the Alabama Republican primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:21 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Alabama Democratic primary

AP projection shows that Joe Biden wins the Alabama Democratic primary

Mar 6, 2024 7:20 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Haley clinches 3 crucial Virginia delegates

Despite Trump’s dominant performance on Super Tuesday, the ex-governor of South Carolina, Haley, successfully clinched three delegates in the Virginia primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:17 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Massachusetts Democratic primary

CNN projection reveals that Joe Biden wins the Massachusetts Democratic primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:16 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump leads in Vermont and Texas

Mar 6, 2024 7:15 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Vermont keeps candidates on edge

Vermont is “too close to call”, NBC claims.

The outcome of the Vermont GOP presidential primary remains undecided, marking it as the initial contest of the evening without a clear winner.

Vermont is regarded as a potential victory for Haley, bolstered by the endorsement of Republican Governor Phil Scott. The state’s open primary system, situated in a predominantly Democratic region, aligns well with her appeal among independent and Democratic voters participating in the GOP primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:12 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Arkansas Democratic primary

NBC News predicts that the US president will win the Arkansas Democratic primary.

Mar 6, 2024 7:11 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Arkansas called for Trump

AP projection reveals Donald Trump has won the Arkansas Republican primary with 27 delegates.

Mar 6, 2024 6:58 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Maine Democratic primary

NBC News projection reveals that Joe Biden win the Maine Democratic primary.

Mar 6, 2024 6:49 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Massachusetts Democratic primary

AP and NBC News projects that Joe Biden has won the Massachusetts Democratic primary with state’s 70 delegates.

Mar 6, 2024 6:48 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Oklahoma Democratic primary

AP and NBC News projects that Joe Biden has won the Oklahoma Democratic primary.

Mar 6, 2024 6:47 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Oklahoma called for Trump

NBC News predicts Donald Trump will win the Oklahoma Republican Primary.

Mar 6, 2024 6:46 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Tennessee Democratic primary

New York Times projections suggest Joe Biden has won the Tennessee Democratic primary, pocketing 46 delegates.

Mar 6, 2024 6:44 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Tennessee called for Trump

According to The Associated Press, Donald Trump triumphed over Nikki Haley in the Tennessee GOP primary.

Mar 6, 2024 6:42 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Josh Stein wins primary for North Carolina Governor

Josh Stein, the Attorney General of North Carolina, emerged victorious in the Democratic gubernatorial primary on Tuesday, according to NBC News and AP projections. This triumph paves the way for a highly anticipated and competitive election against a dynamic Republican contender.

Mar 6, 2024 6:38 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Investigation underway for fake cameras at ballot box in Detroit suburb

In a municipality near Detroit, Michigan, law enforcement is probing the installation of spurious cameras adjacent to a ballot submission site.

“Police in a town outside Detroit said they were investigating fake cameras hung outside a ballot drop box,” stated Plymouth Township Police Chief James Knittel to the press. The township’s Facebook page issued a plea for insights, while the local supervisor communicated to the media that the cameras represented a “clear attempt at voter intimidation.”

Mar 6, 2024 6:24 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: After D.C. delight, Haley hits roadblock in Virginia, chances are thin now

Haley faced significant challenges this evening in her bid to secure her initial state victory (following her D.C. win). With Virginia now declared for Trump, her prospects of winning a state have diminished.

Mar 6, 2024 6:18 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Immigration tops election concerns for GOP voters, exit polls claim

Immigration became the primary concern for a majority of Republican voters in North Carolina and Virginia, over other issues, based on initial exit poll data from Edison Research conducted on Tuesday.

For Republicans in California, immigration concerns were almost on par with economic issues.

Additionally, the exit polls indicated a prevalent doubt among Republicans regarding the authenticity of Biden’s victory in the 2020 election, in spite of the absence of any substantiated evidence to support the extensive fraud allegations made by Trump and his supporters.

Specifically, in North Carolina, about 60% of Republican voters expressed disbelief in the legitimacy of Biden’s election. In Virginia, this sentiment was shared by 46%, and in California, by 57%.

Mar 6, 2024 6:10 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Haley put on some fight at Virginia

The exit poll says Haley really put on some fight at Virginia on Super Tuesday night. She matched up against Joe Biden in the state in the general elections.

Mar 6, 2024 6:06 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins North Carolina Democratic primary

AP, CNN, and NBC News project that Joe Biden wins the North Carolina Democratic primary with a whooping 83 delegates.

Mar 6, 2024 6:04 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins North Carolina Republican primary

AP, CNN project that Donald Trump has won the North Carolina Republican primary, pocketing all of the 32 delegates.

Mar 6, 2024 6:02 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Vermont Democratic primary

According to NBC News’ projection, Joe Biden has clinched the Vermont Democratic primary, claiming all 10 delegates from the state.

Mar 6, 2024 5:53 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Trump wins Virginia Republican primary

AP and NBC News project that former president Donald Trump wins the Virginia Republican Primary.

There are 48 delegates up for grabs.

Mar 6, 2024 5:49 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Alabama Chief Justice primary draws more interest following controversial IVF ruling

The Alabama primary for the position of state Supreme Court chief justice is garnering significant attention. The stakes of the race have been heightened by the controversy surrounding the court’s latest decision, which classifies frozen embryos as children.

Mar 6, 2024 5:40 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Virginia and Vermont, first two states to close their polls

Polling stations on the East Coast of the United States have begun to close as it reaches 7pm local time on Super Tuesday.

Mar 6, 2024 5:34 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden wins Virginia Democratic primary

CNN, AP, and NBC News project that US President Joe Biden has won the Virginia Democratic primary.

There are 99 pledged delegates up for grabs.

Mar 6, 2024 5:31 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Biden campaign touts robust grassroots fundraising in February

The Biden-Harris campaign, along with its allied entities, announced a record-breaking achievement in their “grassroots” fundraising efforts during the month of February. This term “grassroots” is typically associated with small-scale contributions, specifically those donations that are unitemized, coming from individuals who have contributed less than $200 in total.

The surge in donations has been attributed to a confluence of factors, notably the fervour of the primary contests and the public release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report.

Mar 6, 2024 5:18 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Vermont always backed Democrats since 1988

Since Ronald Reagan’s reelection in 1988, Vermont has consistently favoured Democratic candidates in general elections and is among the states that hold their presidential primaries on Super Tuesday.

Mar 6, 2024 5:07 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: Colorado Secretary of State comments on Supreme Court’s decision over Trump ballot

In a recent interview with NBC News, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold reflected on the Supreme Court’s verdict to retain Trump on the ballot and the voter turnout in the current primary election.

Expressing relief over the decision’s timing before Super Tuesday, Griswold also conveyed her concern about Congress’s potential challenges in upholding the Constitution’s insurrection clause.

She stated, “One of my concerns about this case is logistically how it plays out. This case isn’t only about precedent, it’s about all candidates for federal office. The Supreme Court said states do not have the authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th amendment to bar oath-breaking insurrectionists from our ballots ourselves, that Congress has that authority.”

Mar 6, 2024 4:48 AM IST

Super Tuesday 2024: US Muslim leader refrains himself from voting for Biden due to the president’s stance on Gaza

Nihad Awad, leading the Council on American-Islamic Relations, cast his vote for Marianne Williamson in Virginia’s Democratic primary, citing her advocacy for an enduring truce in Gaza. While CAIR itself abstains from endorsing political figures, it has voiced objections to Biden’s unwavering backing of Israel.